Campaigns and Petitions

The success of our campaigns is down to members of the public and charities.

In order to obtain as many signatories as possible we ask you to think Fiveshare.©


Once a signatory has signed a petition, we ask that they please share the petition link five times on differing social media. An example would be sharing the link, on Facebook, Linkedin, X, Instagram and WhatsApp.

That way you are promoting the petition to others, who may not be aware of its existence.

Current Petitions

United Kingdom


The petition below was raised by AnimaNaturalis Internacional and can be signed by worldwide individuals.


The petition below was raised by L214 and can be signed by worldwide individuals.…

The petition below was raised by L214 and can be signed by worldwide individuals.…


The petition below was raised by Animal Equality and can be signed by worldwide individuals.…/rastros…/carne-de-conejo/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2mkYpgA11uLdxSFHXsKgwj4d1MA_umq_nbKPN9rQrPM7h8e-5cak_i7KU_aem_3RcTknlMoSg5vvl4W9U-Sg

Please share and sign these petitions.

A big thank you to the individuals who took the time to raise these important petitions!

So you want to be starting something; thinking of raising your own petition for a country not listed in our section, then email us at so we can promote your petition.