
License and Copyright

Unless otherwise stated, Hop to Save Rabbits own the intellectual property and copyrights pertaining to all material on Hop to Save Rabbits. All intellectual property rights are therefore reserved.

You are prohibited from:

  • Republishing material from Hop to Save Rabbits
  • Reproducing or duplicating website material from Hop to Save Rabbits
  • Redistributing content from Hop to Save Rabbits

Should you wish to use or reference any material from Hop to Save Rabbits, prior written consent must be obtained and in utilising the reference, you must include our full website address.

Should you wish to hyperlink to our content, prior written consent must be obtained from Hop to Save Rabbits.

Most requests will be graciously accepted provided they:

  1. are not deceptive or deceitful to Hop to Save Rabbits and its members;
  2. accord with our charitable aims within the context of the linking party’s site;
  3. the link would not be detrimental to Hop to Save Rabbits and its members;
  4. the organisation does not have any prior discord with us.

If you wish to linking to our website, you are requested to e-mail to Hop to Save Rabbits. We ask that you include in your correspondence:

  1. your name
  2. your organisation name
  3. contact information such as your site address
  4. the URL of your site
  5. a list of any URLs for which you intend to link to our Website
  6. list of the URLs on our site to which you would like to link.

Further, use of the Hop to Save Rabbits logo or artistic material is not to be replicated without a trademark license agreement.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or requests about licensing and copyright of our material, contact us: